
1177 Main Street Dublin, NH 03444

Tel: (603) 563-8332

Hours: 8:40 AM - 3:25 PM

Related Contacts

Bus Company Tel: (603) 924-9211

District Administration

SAU #1 106 Hancock Road Peterborough, NH 03458

Tel: (603) 924-3336 Fax: (603) 924-6707

Learning Environment

Dublin Consolidated School (DCS) provides a vibrant learning environment, where we value and recognize students’ individual strengths, while working to help them grow in areas of need. We offer core programming in reading, language arts, math, and social- emotional learning using a variety of research-based strategies and interventions to address different learners’ needs. We also provide science and social studies instruction, as well as allied arts. Teachers collaborate in order to effectively use assessment results to specifically target instruction strengthening student outcomes. The staff works with other educators, administrators, families, and area agencies to meet the individualized educational needs of those students identified as eligible. Most services are provided within the classroom, with some pull-out services if appropriate. Our emphasis is on all students experiencing core programming via common curricula, as well as meeting the goals that are set forth in individual education plans.

There are many special programs in which DCS students participate. Every year, DCS students extend their learning by having experiences with the Harris Center for Environmental Education. Through the Cornucopia project, we study the outdoors including planting, caring for, and harvesting our garden. We have included in-class opportunities for curriculum enrichment, through artist–in-residency programs, such as the Circus, NHDI, and local artists. In different years, our students perform in a concert and put on a talent show. Occasionally we host (or attend another ConVal school for) a special music or drama program. We are excited about the partnership with Dublin School which will provide, among other opportunities, the chance to experience Nordic skiing. The Dublin Community Foundation offers support for our students in a variety of ways; from winter clothing, to residency programs and field trips - we are very appreciative! Dublin is fortunate to have a community that is very connected to the elementary school.

Family Involvement

Our parents are very involved in their children’s education and their school. DCS parents help greatly by volunteering as needed for special events. We have an active PTO, which meets to help support different activities for students, as well as fundraising to pay for those activities.

Additionally, DCS benefits from community volunteers who do not have children in the school, nevertheless, volunteer their time to work classrooms, and are fortunate that many parents and grandparents take advantage of this opportunity to support all of our students.

Community Connection

The school and the town cooperate over the use of the playground, which is owned by the town. Town Meeting is held at the school each year. Our students participate in afterschool programs (Book Buddies, Bookworms & Creator Club) coordinated by the Dublin Public Library, and yoga offered by the Dublin Community Center. We are thankful for the multifaceted community connections and look forward to continuing to build on these connections! The staff, students, and their families all come together to provide amazing opportunities and experiences to support the growth of all our students and build their capacity as learners.