Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year

Dear Families,

It is exciting to welcome both returning and new students to the 2023-2024 school year at Dublin Consolidated School!  I am thrilled to be rejoining this supportive community and to begin my 8th year as Principal at DCS.  The amazing staff, students and their families will continue to work together to ensure growth for all.  At DCS we emphasize academic, behavioral, and social learning in order to continue to achieve our mission and vision.  We have spent much of the summer planning and preparing for the exciting year ahead filled with learning and progress. 

Student success is best achieved when we work as a team.  We want you to join us in supporting the learning and growth of your student/s.  We value your interest and involvement in your student’s education. Be sure that your student’s teacher understands any special needs or information that would be helpful in the teaching/learning process. Communication is a vital part of fostering a positive and effective home-school connection.  You will receive bi-weekly newsletters via email from me, which include school updates as well as important information.

Please know we welcome communication from home via emails or phone calls should questions or concerns arise. Our school phone number is 603-563-8332, and you are always welcome to email me or Jo-Ann Hopkins. (npease@conval.edu or jhopkins@conval.edu).

The DCS staff and I look forward to working together to make this another wonderful school year!

Nicole Pease Principal, Dublin Consolidated School